Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Fun!

What a great day it was today!
It was clear, blue skies, the sun was shining, and the air was crisp. 

wrapped up warm in our scarves, hats and gloves, we ventured out into the the sunshine. Our home became a cottage industry for the morning. 
The guys were up the ladders trimming vines, pruning trees and harvesting lemons.

Once clothes were washed and hanging to dry, rugs beaten over the balconies, the vegatables were purchased from the market. 
A coffee break basking in the sun re-energised us all. Then we set off to search out the jewish quarter on our bicycles. 

It was such a beautiful ride, with Oliver on the back in his seat chatting away to us about 'The Sound of Music', whilst we 'oooh- ed' and arrr -ed' our way through the twisting alleyways and streets.

Tonight we have Albanian lessons followed by relaxing around the fire with tabbouleh and stuffed tomatoes in our bellies. 



  1. GREAT post! Looks like fun. xxx

  2. sounds idyllic Rachel. I am really enjoying reading you blog. Well done and keep up the good work. xx
